

I'm Hussain Yousof🤖

Since beginning my journey as a Mobile Programmer nearby 3 years ago, I ‘ve done Android & IOS projects, and have worked with talented people to create required products.

to be more concise?

This is a Cyborg Bro-grammer” 👨‍💻


Photoshop : Crafting Functional Elegance in Every Design


Dart, FLutter, Python, Kotlin

Public Speaking

Enriched by Public Speaking Seminars and Teaching Experience


Coding and Coaching Combined”🤖👨‍💻

My Skills

Why Hire Me For Next Project?

In this part you are on your own.  🙂


Also, to see my resume click here👇

Project 1

This application provides users with the ability to meticulously record and track their income and expenses. One of its key features is an intuitive charting system that visually represents a user’s annual financial performance. This feature not only enhances the user’s understanding of their financial health but also aids in making informed financial decisions.”

Project 2

The Online Audience Engagement Project is a digital platform that allows users to log in with their unique usernames and passwords. It is designed for companies to facilitate better coordination and more precise monitoring.

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Let's Work Together

“A Master of Programming and a Programmer with Mastery in Teaching”

© 2024 – Mohammad Hussain Yousof

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